coborski's neocities web-log

Ok, so on a slightly more technical note...

The Copypasta is Pastaing

It turns out creating a website in entirely html and css involves a bit of copypasta, so it's a good thing I like spaghetti—

I'm kidding. Not about liking spaghetti, but managing a basic navigation menu via copy and paste is not something I'm prepared to keep doing. I'm mulling over either switching to a static site generator like hugo or astro or writing my own python script to update the html for a few basic areas of the site.

Humm, on second thought... the python script sounds viable now,, it's only the navigation menu and maybe a footer... but these are the same thoughts I was having about copy and pasting the html in the first place. Yikes.

My CS professors must feel a draft over their shoulders.

Neocities & Github <3

I have good news though! I am now using git, and github, to back up and update my neocities website.

If you'd like to learn more about how to do this—I found a great tutorial about an hour after I finished setting up my repo.

Check out nenrikido's blog post Deploying Your Site to Neocities to learn more.

Strange File Structure

If you've done some digging (and I'm assuming you haven't) you might've noticed that the file structure of my site is a bit weird. This is because neocities is a bit weird, actually, and I'm going to write a more detailed post on it later. So you all have that to look forward to. In the meantime, don't @ me.

#copypasta #dev-log #github #html #neocitie