coborski's neocities web-log

I finally made a neocities site!

Hello! I'm christening my new neocities update blog.

I've done it—I've finally coded up a neocities website! It's lacking content and there's definitely more I'd like to do with the css, but it's pretty nice for a couple of days work.

I've sort-of worked as a web developer before, but I mainly concentrated on backend and database so, consequently, css has always been a weak spot for me. Because of this, I decided that I'd figure out all the layout and css stuff myself without using any generators, themes, or preprocessors.

I have to say—I really put off deep diving into css, but boi am I going to now!

I'm also interested in getting involved in the neocities community, so I'm working on adding some tutorials and research on web browser security to my site.

Also, blinkies.

Fuck yeah, blinkies!

#dev-log #neocitie